Thursday, June 21, 2007

Happy Brithday Reagan!

Today was a full day of all things flowery and girly. We started out the day with Reagan opening her presents which were all laid out for her on the kitchen table. She insisted on getting dressed first before she went down (the rest of us stayed in our pj's) because she has been saving this new yellow dress to wear today (Thank-you Aunty Mary) . After that it was off to McDonald's for breakfast (her choice). The boys got to miss some school this morning because Reagan wanted the whole family to be there, including Nana. Then, after dropping Cooper and Hudson off at school, it was back home to prepare for 11 little girls to arrive for the birthday bash. I was a little worried that I wasn't going to have everything ready on time but with Tony's help we managed to it all in place when the girls arrived. We painted t-shirts, had snacks, opened presents, and did a lot of screaming, giggling and general 5-year-old girl stuff. Reagan did great and really enjoyed herself. After they all went home she still had the energy to try out her now slip-n-slide she got from one of her friends. We ended the evening off with her dinner of choice(chicken strips and perogies and banana splits for dessert) and a little Cinderella III on DVD (Cooper's gift to her). She went to bed happy and still giggling. Can hardly believe she's five.

Happy, Happy Birthday my sweet, sweet girl.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

"The best things in life are nearest: breath in your nostrils, light in your eyes, flowers at your feet, duties at your hand, the path of right just before you. Then do not grasp at the stars, but do life's plain, common work as it comes, certain that daily duties and daily bread are the sweetest things in life." Robert Louis Stevenson

I just read this quote this morning and I thought it was worth keeping. The 'daily duties' of life most often feel like a daily grind rather than something to feel thankful for. But it's all in how you look at it, I guess. We are blessed and it's good to be reminded every so often.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Been far too busy lately and so my blogging has suffered. June is always a crazy month. School year-end field trips, picnics, sports days, etc. Reagan's birthday is on my brain right now - 12 little 4 and 5 year-olds coming on Thursday for a garden party and of course the weatherman tells me it's going to rain. I really hope he changes his mind before then.

Today we went to Reagan's preschool year-end picnic. She has made such nice little friends in her last two years there and she is the only one moving on to a new school next year. I am really sad to see them all go. I will try to keep in touch with them and arrange playdates but at this age it's hard to keep a relationship going when they don't see eachother very much. I know that she will make new friends but this little group was a lot of fun and I will miss the mom's too. Reagan, on the other hand, doesn't seem to be phased by it at all. She probably doesn't really give it much thought - love how at this age they just live in the moment - enjoying today not worrying about tomorrow. Just as it should be.

Taggart discovering the iPOD - he was seriously groovin' :)

Monday, June 11, 2007

Sushi, movies, and early birthday celebrations...

Picked up my camera again this weekend after being a bit lazy with it lately.

Cooper and I finally had our sushi on Saturday. I took him to John's (our neighbor) restaurant. We had the house special and Cooper enjoyed it. I have to give him a lot if credit because he just stuffed the whole piece in without knowing what he was eating. This, coming after Friday night when Tony said he needed to try a piece of spinach and he ran screaming(literally) from the room. Go figure.

Went and saw Ocean's 13 on Saturday night with Tony. He surprised me with plans already made and babysitter lined up. Love that.

Sunday Mary and the kids came for a visit. We celebrated Reagan's birthday with them since they won't see her on the day. Really, really nice day. The weather sort of held out so the kids could have some fun on the trampoline and Reagan could finally show them her cartwheel she has been working so hard on. Mary, Rochelle, Tag and I went for a walk to the Old Clayburn Store and on the way back we got absolutely poured on but the blowdryer was quick to fix that. We had a good dinner of bbq'd turkey burgers by Tony and some great cupcakes Mary brought for dessert. Our kraft paper covered table alos got covered with some great artwork. It was hard to throw it away today but unfortunately it also got covered with BBQ sauce and chocolate cake.

Thanks all for a great weekend.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Saturday morning antics

It's a pretty typical Saturday morning around here. Everyone still in their pyjamas, Tony still sleeping, the boys fighting over a video game, Taggart toddling around causing trouble wherever he can and Reagan...Reagan is in her usual spot, at the little black table in the playroom, her latest coloring book spread out in front of her. It is the first place she heads every morning and at all times of day really. She is enjoying coloring so very much right now it has almost become an obsession with her. All her toys continue to collect dust and she is filling up her coloring books and burning through crayons faster than I can keep up. The only problem with this really is that Taggart does not enjoy coloring but he does enjoy Reagan and wants to be with her so while she sits he bugs... and bugs and bugs. So, so enjoyable for me. Here's a rare moment of them actually sitting together nicely this morning - it only lasted about two and a half minutes but it was something. Look at that face though - he's so hard to get mad at. Lucky for him.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Weekend recap

We had a nice weekend here full of sun and warmth. Amazing weather for the past few days. Tons of just hanging out in the yard, the kids playing in the sprinkler and getting completely exhausted in that way that only comes from being outside in the sun. Had a really nice evening with our neighbors with lots of great food and some yummy popsicles Stephanie and I made. Had these recipes for years from a Gourmet magazine for 'adult' popsicles - strawberry margarita, mango daquiri, and blue martini. Finally tried them out - very refreshing on a hot summer night.
Cooper has been asking me about sushi. He has two Korean boys in his class this year who bring it in their lunch all the time. I told him that he and I would go out for some this weekend. Sunday afternoon we went out and every where was closed. He was a bit disappointed but after some McNuggets and a McFlurry all was forgotten. We'll try for the sushi next weekend. Our friends, the Shiptons, moved into a new house this weekend so last night we ended up there to see where they were at. Hadn't seen them in a very long time and ended up staying for dinner and the kids had a fun play. They are another fam of six so it's pretty wild when we all get together.
I have been really slacking at my photo taking so sorry no pics of the weekend festivites. I promise some new photos will come soon.