Cooper has a friend.
This friend is from Korea and was living here all of last year to learn english while his family stayed in Korea.
He wanted to stay longer so his Mom, his brother and his sister moved to Canada as well, for one more year.
Somehow, their family met our family.
She is a sweet Mom and really looking for 'Canadian friends'.
We are trying to do what we can.
Conversation is pretty good but exhausting. They were here for about 4 hours one afternoon. Her kids didn't want to leave.
Tony brought her a DVD player one night and hooked it up for her. He was served some juice that knocked him out for about 14 hours. This is actually a really funny story that some have heard already.
She brings us Korean food all the time. Our kids are not too keen on it.
I don't have the heart to tell her that, so I anticipate that she will bring more.
Cooper was invited for a sleepover this weekend.
He was a little nervous about what (food) that might bring.
We suggested he make a snack that he could bring with him to share.
We made cupcakes.
I happened to talk to her (the Mom) the day of the sleepover and she asked if Cooper would prefer a Korean or Canadian breakfast.
I (politely) said Canadian.
Cooper had a good time.
Canadian breakfast (in Korea) consists of hard-boiled eggs, hotdogs, and garlic toast.
Next week, his friend is coming to stay the night here.
I wonder what he will go and tell his Mom about the strange foods that we eat.