Friday, January 29, 2010


Tony always makes sure he takes the day off when it's any one of the kids or my birthday, but he almost always works on his own. But this year he had the day off so I think he wanted to make the most of it.

He wanted all the kids home from school so we could have a family day. (I was wondering if I should feeling guilty for wanting the opposite on my birthday) The kids were willing to make that sacrifice for their Dad. Cooper actually wasn't completely willing, he went to school for his first two blocks, something that he just couldn't miss, but then was home by 10:30.
The day started with letting Tony have a little sleep-in and then the kids brought him a cup of tea.
Then sleep time was over, because it's really hard to sleep with a monkey on your back.
Breakfast sandwiches when Cooper got home. This is the kids singing "How old are you now? Are you 1, are you 2, ......... are you 20....."This is Tony waiting for them to get to the right number.Then we packed up and headed to White Rock. I thought it might be a bit cold but this is where Tony wanted to go so we went.We climbed the big White Rock. A must.
Played some catch.Played some frisbee. Tony keeping Hudson away from it so Tag could get it. Climbed the rock some more. Tag did get up there but cme down soon after. I was feeling very nervous and my nerves were getting on Tony's. I just thought a trip to the emergency room might damper the birthday festivites.
Tony attempted some skipping.Reagan showed him how it's actually done.Follow the leader.The self-timer shot to prove that I was actually there.Then a quick stop for some ice cream and hot chocolate before heading home for dinner.Happy Birthday! We love you!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

It's official

Since the beginning of the month Reagan is officially part of the Abbotsford Skipping Sensations.
She was very excited about. It's what she wanted. She said she was sure.
Since that time, there have been a few times when she didn't seem so sure.
Before Christmas, she practiced 3 hours a week. Now she practices 5 1/2 hours a week.
It leaves little time for much of anything else. Sometimes it feels like skipping is her life.
Sometimes I wonder if she's too young for this. Too much, too soon. But I watch her skip and the fun she has and I feel like she has really found her 'thing'.
Her bag arrived this week. The official team bag with her name stitched on it. That was big.
This has been the first week that she hasn't complained even a little about going to practice, since January 1st. Maybe it was just a bit of a transition time and she's gotten herself back into the groove. As her and I walked home from practice tonight she said "I think I made the right decision to join the team." Practice was good today. Here's hoping that feeling stays. We are definitely proud of her and happy that she's found something that she loves so much.

Monday, January 25, 2010



Taggart goes to a friends house. Success. Rave reviews of good manners, sharing, etc.
All the things a mom wants to hear.

Taggart's friend comes to our house. Not a success. Whining, not sharing, complaining.
All the things a mom does not want to hear.

It was getting to the point that I threatened no more playdates for a while.

Threats don't usually work. Usually.

Today we had a playdate.

At our house.


The sound of two little friends playing happily.

Music to this mom's ears.

Sidenote. These two called eachother 'dude' all afternoon. So funny to eavesdrop on little conversations.
My favorite of of the day:
Friend: Isn't it weird when you're playing with a friend and then they start being mean to you? That's so weird, isn't it?
Tag: Totally, dude.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Every Tuesday afternoon at 4:30 this is what I see. Reagan walking up the hill towards the car when I pick her up from her art class. Something about this makes it one of the favorite times of my week. Maybe it's the smile I get as soon as she sees me. Maybe it's the fact that she is at art class, something I would have loved to have taken when I was her age. I'm not too sure what it is, but I am sure I didn't want these few precious moments of my every Tuesday afternoon to ever get forgotten.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Winter won't last forever

I needed a sign of that today and I got it. In the form of this happy little primula brought to me by Nana this afternoon.

I don't know what that condition is called when your mood is affected by the weather but I think I may have a border-line case of it. It's still so dark at 8am and the constant rain isn't helping. My energy level is low and I'm getting nothing done. But as I'm typing, the sun is trying to peek through. This little flower was the perfect little mood lifter, so much that I had to photograph it and blog it right away. Thank you Nana!

Anticipating the day that I don't have to wear five layers and an umbrella to walk the kids to school. I'd even settle for only three layers.

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Very lazy, stay-at-home day for most of us today. Reagan spent part of the afternoon at a friends and Cooper and Tony went out for a bit to pick up some supplies for a project in the garage. So these two set up this little scene all ready to eat their lunch and watch the Bee Movie.
Therefore I got a little time to work at my table. It's been way too long since I have created something just for fun, so that's what I did. Little wooden boxes all decorated up for each of them to hold all their special photos that will never make it into the scrapbooks. I got three and a half finished. Will try to post them here when they are all done.

Then Cooper graced us with making dinner. He was so bored for a while this afternoon that when I started to cook the tacos he decided to get in on the action. He quickly decided he wanted to do the whole thing without any help. And he did, even setting the table, which is Hudson's job this week. Everyone enjoyed his feast and there was even a little fighting over the last in the bowls. Good job Cooper. The job is yours!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

FPOTM - December

This one needs an explanation as to why it's my favorite. I've said before that I often choose favorite photos for the memory they bring, not for the quality of the photo. This is one of those.
Christmas Eve - we are all gathered around the tree to exchange gifts after dinner. Hudson received a design your own car drawing set from Nana. He was determined to open it right away and was having some trouble getting it open and set up. Nana, myself, Tony all offered to help, fearing that he might break it if he kept trying without success to get it right. He refused all our help. Eventually he got it and right there on the carpet, amidst all the wrapping paper, feet, hustle and bustle of others opening gifts, he set to work designing his car. This is soooooo Hudson. It reminded me of when he was three years old, determined to put on his own socks, or something else like that which is hard to do when you're three. He would yell and get frustrated and sit there for what seemed like forever, but would never allow me to help him. Eventhough, sometimes his determination/stubborness can drive me crazy, I love it about him.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Christmas post

It's always easier to give the rundown in photos, so here it is:

December 24th. Hudson and Tag sitting at the window, playing with the snowglobes, and eagerly awaiting our guests.

Happy Birthday Nana!!Opening the stockings from Nana in the afternoon.Hudson's favorite gift. Even after opening all his other gifts in the days to come, he still said this one was his favorite. Nobody likes breakfast more than Hudson.The pretty girls.The hungry boys.Christmas Eve story - a tradition. Two this year - Splat the Cat helps at Christmas & Stick Man - because I just couldn't decide.December 25th. Christmas morning faces - 7:00amLots of thank-you, Christmas hugs.

Reagan getting a lesson on her new iPod.A friendly game of mini ping-pong. A gift for Cooper from Santa.December 27th. Braun Christmas at John & Christine's.

Tag showing Anita his new painting set from Oma and Opa.A thank-you hug for Oma from Cooper.Not sure what this discussion was about.Cooper hanging out with Caleb. So fun to have more little kids around.
Opa finding joy in the kids. Isn't that what it's all about?Hope that you all found some joy this holiday season.