Since the last blog post a whole lot has happened and like I've said before, if I don't blog it, did it really happen?
I can't possibly begin to give all the details here without posting a ridiculously long entry so I will attempt to run it down in a quick over view (with photos of course).
~another skipping competition (Kirkland, WA). Last one of the season.
~Tag started baseball. Loooooves it! Really fun to watch, especially when he runs with that big batting helmet on.
Leni, you can appreciate that.~Hudson is playing flag football. He loves it too but they still haven't won a game.
~Cooper is playing roller hockey again - they haven't won a game yet either. He's starting not to love it so much.
~Mother's Day. I got meals cooked for me, dessert made by Cooper and got to spend lots of time sitting in the yard in the sun. Quite perfect.
~I spent 5 days painting my house. All the main living areas, up the stairs and the upstairs hallway. All the little fingerprints,scratches, dents, and gouges are gone. Next on the list is painting all the trims and doors. It's got to to be done before summer holidays start. That gives me 6 weeks.
~Our second fridge broke and we had to buy a new one. Tony bought me a new computer for Mother's Day because our old one was just minutes away from blowing up. I'm quite certain.
We took our blinds in to be cleaned. After 8 years, I thought it was time. It definitely was, because when they came back I rediscovered that they are actually white. Those three things all happened in 3 days - it was kind of an expensive weekend.
~We are talking a lot about saving up for 'blueberries' around here. Somehow that became our code word for Disney Land. We want to go in the fall and trying to talk about it when the kids are not around seems to be impossible. Cooper has noticed that we are talking about blueberries a lot and can't figure it out. It's kind of funny.
~The weather has finally turned spring-like and it's fantastic. We actually had our first picnic at the beach. We met Tony one afternoon after work and went up the Woodwards tower where he had been working and then after a bit of walking around Gastown we headed to English Bay for burgers, football, wrestling in the sand and hanging out with the 'big Chinese guys'
(Tag's words, not mine) .
~Arbor Day field trip with Reagan's class to learn about trees and watch the Mayor plant a tree and just generally hanging around the park.
~Lots and lots of learning things on my new Mac because I was a PC user and even though I wanted a Mac I am not very patient when it comes to learning how to use it.
Rudy, I might have to give you a call every once in a while. And because I don't have PhotoShop (yet) for the Mac none of these photos could be edited. But please note their larger size. I've been trying to figure out how to do that for months. Apparently I needed a Mac. :)