2. Spending far too much time on the computer. Finding inspiration in all kinds of places that the internet so easily offers. Really thinking more about trying to turn my hobby and my passion of all things paper and creating into something more.
3. Wishing I knew what that something more was.
4. In a hot chocolate phase. Yum.
5. Thinking about turning off the TV for a while - too easy to flop down onto the couch after the kids are in bed and really wasting too much time. That's a tough one.
6. Looking forward to soccer season ending. Weekends becoming more free.
7. Super excited to see my sister. She arrives May 24th and that still seems so far away.
8. Trying to get motivated to collect everything to do our taxes. How boring.
9. Happy that Taggart is playing nicely upstairs with his little friend. The last couple of playdates haven't gone as well as I'd like. He has sharing issues, what can I say.
10. Thinking back to two years ago today when I started this blog. I wasn't sure where it would go and how long it would last, but I can't imagine not recording all this stuff. Some days it really feels like a chore but there are times when I can't wait to sit down here and type it out while it's still fresh in my mind. Thanks for all those who read and for the few that take the time to comment. It means something to me.
Enjoy today.