Saturday, May 26, 2007

Happy, Happy Saturday!

I'm off this morning for a day of some retail therapy and fun with girlfriends. My three friends/nieghbors and are heading south for a girls day. Been looking forward to this day for weeks. We'll start Starbucks for some fuel and then we'll hit the outlets and then the mall.
Tony is geared up(I hope) for a day with the kids. They have been wanting to do a 'sleepover' together in one room for a while so last night was the night. Well, I don't think they fell asleep until 10, very late for my kids. And they were all up at 7 this morning, except Reagan. So I'm really hoping that they are all not grumpy and tired today for Dad.
Train leaves at 8 so off I go :)


Anonymous said...

Which train? Leni

Anonymous said...

Hi Leni,
Your comment made me laugh, because my first thought was also, "Train? What train?" I then realized it must just be a figure of speech. I'm pretty sure there is no train from Abbotsford to the outlet stores and then the malls down in Bellingham! (Is there???)

Anonymous said...

Not an actual train ladies, just the minivan next door. Very successful shopping trip, by the way.

Anonymous said...
