Monday, April 13, 2009

Family and chocolate

Lots of family and chocolate this weekend. Sounds pretty near perfect doesn't it? And it would have been too, if it weren't for the very stiff neck I woke up to on Friday morning. It stayed all weekend and gradually worked it's way down my back so by the time our last guests left on Sunday afternoon I planted myself on the couch and pretty much stayed there for the rest of the day. But even then we enjoyed ourselves. We found that Willi Wonka's Chocolate Factory (the 1971 Gene Wilder one) was on TV so we all planted ourselves with our Easter chocolates and ended the weekend in a sea of foil wrappers.
Here are the highlights:
Baskets lined up and ready for the egg hunt on Saturday.
I dragged them all up to the top of the playhouse to get a group shot 'cause I wanted the cherry tree in the background. They cooperated...ahem...sort of. (missing:Jake-golfing)
Tony took the camera for a while. Thought I might get a shot of me with the kids but he was more interested in his plants this time. I think I actually saw him shoo away one of the kids with their basket of brightly colored eggs because they were in the way of his 'plant shot'. To his credit, this is a nice shot.
On to Sunday and the Braun gathering.Twenty four people at our place for brunch. A little squishy but we made room for all, from youngest to oldest. (Tag, Evie and Oma)


mary said...

It was fun on Saturday - we'll have to get together again soon. I love Tony's photos of the Cherry Blossoms.

Anonymous said...

You were smart to have your egg hunt on Saturday before all that rain hit!

Beautiful picture of the blossoms.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for doing the family shot in your living room - it was great to see such a familiar sight. And yes, the cherry blossom looks great too! such a nice sign of spring. Love you, Leni